Amandus announces actions for better equality in the film industry

Press release
This article is written for an older edition of the festival, and may contain content that is no longer valid.

After the many reveals about sexual harrasement in the media industry, and the following campaigns #metoo and #stilleforopptak (Norwegian capaign from actresses in film and theatre), the young festival organizers have taken the initiative for Amandus UTTERENCE (“Ytring” in Norwegian). This is a project with the goal of making

The project includes among others:

The project marks the beginning of several projects that also continues after the festival ends. Amandus UTTERANCE is supported by Fritt Ord.

Amandus is the meetingplace for the next generation of filmmakers, and the festival has a unique oportunity to discuss important topics, create good attitudes and find lasting solutions to make the industry a better place to be.

Festival Director Linda Steinhoff

The 31st edition of Amandus – Lillehammer International Student Film Festival is held from March 21-24 in Lillehammer, Norway.

Linda Steinhoff, festival director
+47 923 11 361

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Facts about Amandus – Lillehammer International Student Film Festival