Christian Andrén is a man who has run into many obstacles but always managed to keep moving forward. With his philosophy that life is like a railroad, where you're headed to a destination but you don't know what happens along the road. We get to follow him from his childhood where he got a death sentence in the form of cancer, through his youth until now. Past meets present and Christian's fighting spirit and humour lead the way towards the future.
- Sjanger: Dokumentarfilm
- Lengde: 12 min.
- Aldersgrense: Tillatt for alle
- Skole: Högskolan Dalarna
- Produksjon: Högskolan Dalarna
- Produksjonsår: 2020
- Produksjon: studentprod
- Land: Sverige
- Regissør: Lizette Gunnesson
- Produsent: john M Whal, Martin Sixtensson, Sean Ekberg
- Foto: Martin Sixtensson, Sean Ekberg
- Klipp: john M Whal
- Lyd: Martin Sixtensson