Her ser du vinneroversikten på Amandus BLIKKFANG 2021.
Vi gratulerer vinnerne på Amandus BLIKKFANG 2021. Prisutdelingen gikk av stabelen i filmteltet vårt, med programledere Øystein Egge og Frøydis Fossli Moe som vertskap, og Audun Barsten Johnsen som musikant. Juryen delte ut til sammen syv priser, i tillegg til en publikumspris.
Juryen fikk i oppdrag å velge ut vinnere for beste fiksjonsfilm, beste dokumentarfilm, beste animasjonsfilm, beste manus, beste regi og en selvvalgt pris til en teknisk fagfunksjon. Til sistnevnte måtte juryen dele det opp sånn at to filmer fikk hver sine tekniske pris.
Prisutdelingen foregikk på engelsk, og jurybegrunnelsene følger derfor også på engelsk. Du kan se hele prisutdelingen i opptak nederst i artikkelen.
Best screenplay
Erik Ivar Sæther for CAM BOY
The award goes to a film that uses conventional story structure, but still feels very fresh, and manages to address and discuss an important and very relevant subject matter.
Technical award for production design and costumes:
Loes Priesman og Laura Zayan for THE END OF ORIGINALITY
The film is very original, not just as an idea, but also how it’s executed as a visual concept, and this award is both for best visual design and costumes, and goes to The End of Originality.
Technical award for cinematography:
Mikkel Strøm for HONNINGETER
This award goes to a particularly cinematic and very original concept. Not only in it’s narration, but also in the striking visual concept, with different approaches to each chapters in a very elegant way.
Best directing:
Sylvia Le Fanu for OM LITT
This award goes to a subtle and moving film, over all very well crafted in all aspects of the filmmaking, that shows an impressive directing talent.
Best documentary:
FUCKING ADOPTERT (regi: Nora Nivedita Tvedt)
The award goes to a very honest and playful approach to a difficult subject, portrayed in an inventive and intimate, yet complex way.
Best animation:
BABY FINGERS (regi: Adrian Dalen)
A highly creative and imaginative film, with a lot of humor that also addresses some important cultural and political issues.
Best fiction:
UTAN ER (regi: Jean-luc Mwepu)
The award goes to a very strong film that creates its own universe, showing the brutal history of our dark recent past, which still is relevant today, from the perspective of the individual and entire societies, using various elements of film expressions, with excellent camera work, sound work and strong social meaning.
The Audience Award:
TOPP TUR (regi: Sophia Aronsen)